Clinician hours

Monday — Friday 9:00AM — 9:00PM
Saturday — Sunday 10:00AM — 5:00PM

You may book an appointment online, email us at [email protected], or call us at (703) 520-7222. Our receptionist hours are Monday through Friday 9am to 6pm and Saturday 10am to 5pm.

Clinician availability

For your convenience we try to ensure we have sleep clinicians available 6-7 days a week for patient appointments including during the evenings and weekends.

Check availability

How does our sleep treatment work?


Initial Assessment

Our approach begins by pairing you with a sleep clinician. In this initial consultation, we'll explore your sleeping patterns and objectives, carry out a thorough diagnostic assessment, develop a personalized treatment strategy, and respond to any questions or worries you might have.


Customized Approach

In our program, you get to choose how you monitor your sleep - either through a sleep diary or a digital tracking device. Based on your preference, we'll tailor a treatment plan specifically for you. And for added convenience, our app provides an easy digital method for tracking your sleep.


Sleep Therapy

Our treatment includes weekly consultations with your sleep therapist. These sessions are crucial for administering your treatment plan, evaluating your progress, and making necessary adjustments. Should you have any questions, our support team is available seven days a week to help you out.
